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This is the angels' page. They are in charge of the content. And they are very anxious to communicate with you.
Remember the Angels
Once human beings consciously accept the Christ within -- the radiant oneness of all life and sound the World of Truth (or God) -- bands of angels in the company of the many invisible workers will vibrate instruction. They will release healing tones of color and sound to heal the planet and to balance the life that is upon her.
As humanity searches for the way to save the Earth, the angels stand ready to serve. It is very constructive for people to work together to assist the planet to heal herself, to help to rid the planet of pollution and to begin to listen to the wisdom of the guardians, indigenous peoples from all parts of the earth. We are being drawn together-collected together-we are processing a new body of global awareness. Yet, a greater work awaits us as we attune to the wholeness of life, and the power that rests in life.
It is wonderful to see and to be a part of a networking that is taking place that is weaving the Body of Christ Consciousness. And to see people putting their human desires aside for the good of the whole. Even as this is taking place, the Angelic Kingdom waits -- for the sound of the Lord (the Word).
Some reading this lesson may have thought, "It is too late to save the planet, too late to heal her and make up for all we have done to her!" Yet I say to you now: The World Mother will summon Her angels. This will take place as the Christ is born as a collective awareness: a vibration that is so strong and so sure that nothing will shake it. And a new creation will be bathed in light. This is the way we are going-to a whole, new creation, born of universal love, and universe service.
It will be the angels, the Deva Kingdom, that will carry our planet to victory. It will be the angels that cleanse the face of our earth. It will be the angels who show us the way -to live -on planet Earth and elsewhere- by God's Word. It will be the angels who clear the air and dissolve the garbage, the nuclear waste, the pollution of selfish, greedy man. And it will be the angels, befriending you, who will build with you great temples of light and love. And finally, it will be the angels who carry you to the next dimension of My Home.
Angels can only act through a blueprint, a pattern. They wait for your conscious alignment with the Christ. It will be the Angels who will transform the planet through your consciousness. They are ready. Are you?
So, there is hope. Great hope. It is lasting hope waiting to be fulfilled. Human beings know very little if nothing about the elemental kingdoms, the world of the Angels and of the Devas. Few human beings know that the rock is alive and that the sea-ocean vibrates love.
Only in the Christ will the invisible workers serve you as one with God. They will hear the sound of God like a trumpet and they will be obedient to that sound, its command. In closing this lesson, we have returned to the Inner Voice. The Voice that is the Creator in you, that grows the temples and sprouts the form. Be lovingly aligned to this Voice of Truth.
Under the watchful, faithful supervision of the Archangels, the Angels, Devas and Elementals serve with a promise of a new world golden and free. This will be the new energy field that humanity will not only be looking to but working with, as the new physics embodies on this planet. A Christed plane emerges with laws of its own conception. A new generation of love and light raised up to the Christ embodiment is forthcoming.
And over all the Mother watches. As the fountain, released, activates a group consciousness, Jesus smiles. Initiation is over. And complete.
© 2000 by Patricia Jepsen Chuse
Living in Partnership
As humanity searches for the way to save the Earth, the angels stand ready to serve.
It is urgent that we face the fact that humanity by itself cannot heal our planet. It will be the Angels and the Deva Kingdom that will carry our planet to victory. It will be the angels that cleanse the face of our earth. It will be the angels who show us the way to live on planet Earth. It will be the angels who clear the air and dissolve the garbage, the nuclear waste, the pollution that has been created by misuse of the creative force. It will be the angels who will build with you great temples of light and love. And finally, it will be the angels who carry you to the next dimension of Creative Power, the World of Light.
A whole new life awaits us as we attune to the wholeness of life, and the Power that rests in life.
It will be the Angels who will transform the planet through your consciousness. They are ready. Are you?
Under the watchful, faithful supervision of the Archangels -- the Angels, Devas and Elementals serve with a promise of a new world golden and free. This will be the new energy field that humanity will not only be looking to, but also working with, as the new physics embodies on this planet. A unified energy field emerges with laws of its own conception. A new generation of love and light is forthcoming.
So, there is hope. Great hope. It is lasting hope waiting to be fulfilled. Human beings know very little, if nothing, about the Elemental kingdoms, the world of the Angels and of the Devas. Few human beings know that the rock is alive and that the seas and oceans are the carriers of Creative Power, which serves the angels in their rebuilding of this planet!
There is much to learn about the creative power around us, the angels tell us. For this, we are establishing schools for the earth people to learn.
Let us change our laws to honor and recognize the angelic kingdom and the Creative Power, which it wields.
As you bid goodbye to an old world, which has only proven destructive to earth, join with the angels in partnership in a new world of their making. The passing of the old world does not take you down with it unless you are so attached to the ways of that world that you will not let go. You must remain stable.
Catch an angel's hand right now! Take this hand extended to you and forget the past. Begin to learn the ways of the Light World.
You may ask to enter the schools of the angels and partake with them the counsel of Jesus and the World Mother whom you know as Mary. These schools are available so that you can open your consciousness to partnership with the Angels and the Deva Kingdom. ASK NOW TO ENTER AND TO LEARN. This lesson series is the beginning of this school.
Angels can only act through a blueprint, a pattern.
You have learned in your earth schools about the power of thought. And you have learned to meditate so that you can control your thoughts and emotions. Through the University of Melchizedek you have absorbed the lessons which assist you in your alignment to the Creator within, your Inner Voice. Now all that you have learned, practiced and assimilated will be brought to bear in the new world of partnership with the angels. This is a creative sphere where angels are aligned with you as Angel Energy. Here the power rests to rebuild the planet and make trees to grow again.
Through your alignment with the Inner Voice, Higher Mind frequency and divine Intent, you can now decree with the angels in partnership and the earth will become a paradise.
Angels -- in their restorative and creative assignment for Earth and her creation-require that you rise to meet them in their world of interconnectedness and love. This is a requirement. Then, together, you will fulfill the orders of the Creator and restore this Earth to her light form and all creation with her.
You must become an angelic force yourself and learn to create with the angels a perfect Earth, solar and divine!
What blueprint or pattern shall you hold for Angel Energy to embody and form? Listen to your GodSelf, your Inner Voice, the deepest passion of your soul! Then, with the angels, design the World of Light and reclothe your planet with the body of the Sun.
Consider the Angels
(Message given at the World Mother Center, November 11, 1995)
Once you are united in conscious awareness with your Creator once again, and know no separation, you become the active Creator body for this our time. That is why the body must become as a sun or light. I, Crystal, looked up at the sky just a few minutes ago and I just gave a little thought to the angelic realm, to the Elementals and the Devas. And as I did, I saw their hands, they were all around this land-this Center-in a circle. It was like a canopy of perfect vibration covering this land and all upon it. And I saw all of them standing as a group. They had their hands raised as though they were preventing unpleasant changes in the weather. They were controlling the elements, governing the nature forces in love and gentleness.
As I acknowledged their work with gratitude in my heart, they, in turn, spoke these words to me: "You help us, we help you." It is impossible to describe the love and gentleness that was communicated to me with these words. I seemed to hold their words in my heart as though this was a very precious communication indeed. And I thought about what they said....
It made all the sense in the world that as we watch our emotions, take care not to soil the earth with our feelings, be conscious of the Elementals at all times and honor their work upon this planet, that we are helping the Angelic Beings who serve so lovingly.
It is very important that we remind ourselves that we have no right to be angry, no right in any way to pass negative judgments, no right to release selfish emotions on the land that we love. We violate our contract with the light. We have come to help Earth, not harm her.
I was reminded that if we cannot control our emotions, how can we expect to ascend and be partners in the universe? What contribution are we making if we dump our negativity on Mother Earth? Or heap it on another?
If we cannot control all emotions within this tiny little being that we are, how can we possibly contribute to the Ascended Masters' Plan and to the resurrection of the planet?
One of the easiest ways to control our emotions, to take command of ourselves, is to remember our love for the Elementals, our love for the planet, our love for the Angels. We need to remember that these Nature Spirits and all of the Angels of Light are repelled by uncontrolled anger and loud noises. They are very sensitive beings and they turn away from those with angry feelings and selfish ways. It is time to attune with the angels. To become a partner in the resurrection and the rebuilding of this planet.
One body...
Angry words can fuel the storms and the earthquakes of these latter days. Be aware of this. Work with the planet in the light, not against her. We need helpers in the Sun!
We need to consciously remember that we contribute to wars that seem to be very far away-disturbances in different lands-by our negative thoughts and feelings. How quickly a negative feeling can be transported and can fill the heart and mind of people who do not understand how to control the emotions? Angry emotions oceans away may indeed add kindling to a fire and even spur a war! Energy in motion carries itself across the waters and can bring peace or increase the fighting of peoples and nations.
And so indeed, there is great responsibility, and we must, as beings upon this earth, cease to be self-centered and realize our service. The hands of the clock say it is time. It is time we all worked together as one body.
Please attend to the business at hand. You have greatness to tap and contributions to make. As you consciously become aware of your partners, all the Angels and Elementals who serve this planet, you will most certainly discover a joy and companionship in their love. Let us rise together, you and I, serving the Light!
I AM Living Light joined with the Angels to bring God's heaven to earth and to light the world with my presence, my life! As it is, so it shall be.
© 2007 by Patricia Jepsen
Creative Living
I open my home, my workplace and my church to the angels. I open my life, my heart, to them. I am ready to create with the angels a sanctuary called Earth.
Pause for a moment and focus on an Archangel. Just the vibration of "Archangel" will do. No one Angel in particular, just the Being of Archangel. Let the Great Angel-in harmony with all existence-reveal Himself. Continue to focus as the Archangel Energy expands and opens to you.Letting Go of the Mortal
The Archangel extends His Hand and you take it. LiftingliftingImmortal Life is yours You are rising far above the earth with the Angel. Then you stop and see Earth far below you. And your thoughts go to Earth.
"What do you see?" asks the Archangel.
And you tell him what you see.
"I am cutting all mortal ties that you might be of greater service in this time of need," the Archangel continues.
And then you see what has bound you and caused you suffering. "My mortal ties!" you cry. "I see that I have all that I needeverything is minewhen I let go of that which I have possessed. Poverty, lack, sickness, even death, are of mortal thought. I stand free now in God's New World of Light-no longer bound but free to be what I have come to be and give what I have come to give."
With that understanding, the Great Angel disappears and the world looks new and fresh. You feel as though you have wings to fly the universe and beyond, yet you also feel the earth beneath the feet and the sounds of wind and rain.
"What now?" A whisper breathes into your ear. "What will you do now with all that you have and all that you now know?"
And the Light grows brighter and sounds sweeter and the day beginsAll new, all fresh and free.
The Archangel Experience
Once you have experienced the presence of an Archangel, that sacred field of radiance is a part of your world. There is a new direction you must take. The vibrational essence of the Archangel has penetrated your auric field and is producing through you formidable blessings for others and for the planet.
Here is an important point. Once you have experienced an Archangel's presence, that One never leaves you. The Archangel has summoned you, and that Angel will be with you as you serve on the planet and elsewhere. There is a penetration that takes place that creates a new body that is connected to the Kingdom of the Angels and the World of Light. If you have had a serious encounter with an Archangel, review that experience with what you know now. Then, consider your life following that encounter. How has it changed? That Archangel has created a sacred energy field around you to protect you as a World Messenger
Your Guardian Angel
How blessed you are to have a guardian angel! Do you speak to him-her? Are you consciously aware of your guardian angel's presence? Give yourself time to think about this. How might you draw closer?
As a child, did your parents or spiritual teacher tell you about your guardian angel? How might a child benefit by this knowledge?
How might your awareness of the presence of your guardian angel assist you now?
These things I, your Guardian Angel, can do.
I can raise your thoughts and give you hope.
I can decree with the Father's voice and so bring energy to your sound when you speak.
I can shield you from harm and protect you from your thoughts.
I can send more love through your heart and help you in the manifestation process.
I can, also, acquaint you with the angelic realm where I live and have my being.
Ask and I will do these things. Seek and you will find me very close to you and willing to console you and restore you. You have only to ask and receive.
I AM your closest friend and dearest playmate.
Angels of the Sea and Land
You access the angelic kingdom through your faith. We are completely free of any lower field concepts and beliefs. And we are not subject to error. But your faith is the ground we walk on. It is the playground of the angels.
Walk without death with the angels. And see the death images flee from your thoughts. At the moment, humanity is driven by death. Where we live, there is no death. Come join us and live with God in service to the whole.
Within our fields of creative power are the spirit forces, the Wind Sprites, the Undines of the sea, the Fire Elementals called Salamanders, the Fairies and the Gnomes and all the little people who grace this earth. These are intelligent energies, which you must come to know. They are eager to work for you in context with the Angel's body and the Master's divine plan. These little ones fill the oceans and Mother Land. They are everywhere and they wait for your command, called forth in selfless love and benefiting the whole.
When you can take control of your speaking voice and sound the word messages of the Archangels, great lakes will form where there were none and castles of light will stand once again upon the waking hills.
Remember, dear one, that lack and limitation -- even illness and death -- are born of separation from the One. Your God of Israel is ever present. God is One. We abide in the Great One. Our Law is harmony, our voices sing of love. Come Home!
The Creative Angel
I AM the Overseeing Angel of the Creative Power. I cannot be entered nor can I be summoned without the Father's Will abiding in the heart of man. I do not come because of man's desire but because of God's desire. I AM the instrument of His-Her desire. And I proclaim that desire into form.
Unjust? Absolutely not! For you were created in Oneness, in unity with all life, in joy and gladness of Be-ing. Come Home!
A Life of Miracles
We are energy. We perform the miracles. And we gladden the spirit with our song! To live with angels is abundance. It is the prosperous life, the life without death or hindrance of any sort. Come to the Northern Rock by the sea and see us there in our light forms. As the dance begins, step into the Circle of Light. Your body will take on the angel energy of the New Song. Please join us. It is written that you would. Come now. We are waiting to serve with you as the Solar Life and Light.
From the Mountaintop
I AM raised in my consciousness to the mountaintop.
There, I am welcomed by the angels.
I feel the embrace of the Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, and all others who attend this workshop and who are with me in my service to Earth and all peoples who abide with her.The Portal is open.
Step through.
From Angels and Archangels
© 2007 by Patricia Jepsen