Priesthood of Melchizedek

Priesthood of Melchizedek

"When a Priest after the Order of Melchizedek is recognized as a Priest, the reflective power of the Eternal Son anoints him/her. From that time on there is no deviation from the path of Oneness."

-- From the Melchizedek Glossary of Terms, transcribed by Patricia Jepsen (Crystal)


The University is a school for the Priesthood; it presents the foundation of the Order and offers a practical guide to living the Order of Melchizedek. One enters the Priesthood of Melchizedek when one is fused with the Inner Voice or Thought Adjuster. This brings forth the living Priesthood within the individual. To enter the Priesthood one must answer the call to "leave the nets" and follow the Christ after the Order of Melchizedek. To function within the Priesthood is to embody the Christ Will, to be at one with the Voice of God Mind and to respond to that Voice immediately without hesitation. The fusion of the Priesthood with the I AM Presence maintains the governance of the planet.

To be in the Consciousness of Melchizedek, one must not be divided. One must be in the One. Thus, God walks with you as the I AM. The vibratory commitment to this Order is a sacred trust. It is the acknowlegment of all life as sacred in the glory of God, the Order of Melchizedek.

An 18-24 Month Program of Study for the Melchizedek Priesthood:


For those who have received the calling to serve as a priest or priestess after the Order of Melchizedek, the University offers a seven-course program of study, THE SEVEN SEALS OF INITIATION, in preparation for the priesthood. This course of study provides a solid base for the meeting of Melchizedek (oneness with God) in your own heart-mind.

This opportunity to prepare for the Melchizedek Priesthood within the University of Melchizedek is a precious gift. Those who have received recognition and/or ordination as a Priest of Melchizedek may wish to continue their studies further or to begin them, as the case may be. Many have been called into the priesthood and have been ordained, yet have not been given the necessary degree of understanding, knowledge, wisdom and intelligence for this calling. The University has been prepared to fill that gap and give seekers and disciples of the Order the necessary foundation for the higher planes of Light that one must master as Priest or Priestess of the Order.

Important note: The courses in this program are studied in numerical order.

COURSE 1: Entering the Priesthood

Textbooks: The GodSelf and The Workbook

"The descending and emerging heaven is the world of light, that which is bestowed by the Son of God. This frequency is maintained by the Order of Melchizedek and the Priesthood of Melchizedek."

(From page 276 of The GodSelf, which has 63 chapters. )

Upon completion of this course, you are asked to submit a summary report of 500-750 words about your experiences and revelations from this study, along with samples from the questions and exercises completed in The Workbook.

A certificate of completion will be emailed or mailed.

COURSE 2: Anchoring the Priesthood

Textbook: Living the GodSelf

"One of the great disciplines that this school offers you is conscious alignment with the Inner Voice, the Christ Mind or Christ Intuitive Intelligence. When you decree, remember you are decreeing in line with this Voice, in rhythm of divine order."

(From lesson one of 13 lessons.)

Upon completion of this course, you are asked to submit a summary report of 500-750 words about your experiences and revelations from this study, along with samples from the writings and exercises completed in the course.

A certificate of completion will be emailed or mailed.

COURSE 3: Entering the World of Melchizedek

Text book: Beyond Religion

"The primary teaching or Truth of the Universe is that we cannot be separated from Spirit. We ARE the Spirit in continuance."

(From lesson five of 6 lessons.)

Here you are asked to keep a journal, if you have not been keeping a journal. Upon completion of this course, you are asked to submit a summary report of approximately 500 words about your experiences and revelations from this study, along with samples from your journal and the writings/exercises completed in the course.

A certificate of completion will be emailed or mailed.

COURSE 4: Initiation into Mastery, the Creative Circuit Intelligence

Textbook: The Master's Gate

"Now that the power gates are open, you must understand the power to use it. And you are entirely responsible for its presence and its application."

(From lesson two of 12 lessons.)

Upon completion of this course, you are asked to submit a summary report of 500-750 words about your experiences and revelations from this study, along with samples from the writings and exercises completed in the course.

A certificate of completion will be emailed or mailed.

COURSE 5: Preparing for Ascension

Text book: Rising to the Light

"Leave the old program of death and decay. There is a powerful beam of energy coming into your planet that is the Office of The Christ. This Office redeems the flesh as well as the human spirit."

(From lesson eight of 12 lessons.)

Upon completion of this course, you are asked to submit a summary report of 500-750 words about your experiences and revelations from this study, along with samples from the writings and exercises completed in the course.

A certificate of completion will be emailed or mailed.

COURSE 6: Overcoming Death

Textbook: Immortality

"I AM always you but you must know it, and in knowing you become immortal."

(From lesson one of 6 lessons.)

Please keep a journal for this particular course. This is part of your "homework."

Upon completion of this course, you are asked to submit a summary report of approximately 500 words about your experiences and revelations from this study, along with samples from your journal and the writings/exercises completed in the course.

Close attention will be paid to the accuracy of the Voice and the progression of your spiritual nature as a Melchizedek energy field.

A certificate of completion will be emailed or mailed.

COURSE 7: Consciousness of a Melchizedek: Formation of a Priest

Textbook: Melchizedek

"The Order of Melchizedek holds the Creator Image within its vibration. Those who come to this Order are translated into this Image and fulfilled by the Creator Himself."

(From the Introduction of 8 lessons.)

Upon completion of this course, you are asked to submit a summary report of approximately 500 words about your experiences and revelations from this study, along with an evaluation sheet, in which you see yourself, your relationship to God and your transition from mortal to immortal. This evaluation sheet will help you determine your preparedness for the Melchizedek Priesthood.

A certificate of completion will be emailed or mailed.

Program Certificate

After you have completed THE SEVEN SEALS OF INITIATION, you and a Melchizedek counselor will review together what has been learned and experienced.

Following this evaluation, you will receive a formal certificate of completion for the program.

Coaching and Counseling Service

If you would like to engage the assistance of a personal coach during the study of some or all of these courses, additional coaching and counseling services are available for this program.

Note for Previous Students

If you have already purchased and studied some or all of these Seven Courses and wish to receive a certificate of completion for the program:

Review each course and submit the summaries and exercises requested.

Spend enough time in contemplative study so that you can present a journal covering your awareness experiences in Beyond Religion or Immortality.

Submit the journal and all requested materials to the University Office for review.

Enrollment and Fees

Enroll in THE SEVEN SEALS of INITIATION with our online enrollment form or by mailing in our printable enrollment form.

Course Fees: The cost of each course is the cost of the books plus mailing, and a $50 administration fee. Books for each course are:

Course 1: The GodSelf and the Workbook (Perfect bound) - $31.90
Course 2: Living The Godself (Spiral bound) - $55
Course 3: Beyond Religion (Spiral bound) - $35
Course 4: The Master's Gate (Spiral bound) - $45
Course 5: Rising to the Light (Spiral bound) - $45
Course 6: Immortality (Spiral bound) - $40
Course 7: Melchizedek (Spiral bound) - $40