Study Program

The Melchizedek Learning Degrees of Study

Degree Ⅱ

The Path of Ascension: Ancient Mysteries of the GodSelf

Suggested Materials: You will need to have beside you at all times of study either a journal or notebook, so that you can write the exercise given and record your insights, revelations, dreams and communication with your Inner Voice.

If you would like a counselor to review and comment on your lesson material, please visit our coaching page for more information.

Course 1: The GodSelf: Revelation for the New Millennium and The Workbook: Study Guide for The GodSelf

The GodSelf: Revelation for the New Millennium by Patricia Jepsen (Chuse) dissolves the paradigm of man's separation from God. Healing, authoritative, compassionate -- a Self-identification handbook -- The GodSelf aligns the reader with the universal truth of being. Reliable and consistent instruction offers sincerely motivated souls a solid foundation for individual unfoldment. Through emphasis on alignment with the Inner Voice and awareness of the constant presence of God, this thorough truth manual is a bridge from the metaphysical and mystical journeys directly into the I AM Presence. For student and teacher alike, The GodSelf is each one's conscious revelation of divine identity and its daily expression.

The Workbook: Study Guide for The GodSelf addresses portions of each of the 63 chapters of The GodSelf. The Workbook provides revelatory insights, summaries and highlights of major truth principles, writing exercises, meditation and practical application suggestions, affirmations, as well as questions and discussion topics for study groups.

Upon completion of this course, the student is asked to submit a summary report of 250-500 words about his or her experiences and revelations from this study. A certificate of accomplishment, a recognition of completion of the course, will be emailed or mailed.

Enrollment and Course Fees:The GodSelf and The Workbook are available in print format only. The cost for both books is $31.90 plus shipping. There is a $35 course administration fee. For more information about this course, visit

Enroll Now:
Online Form or Printable Form

Course 2: Living the GodSelf: Master Keys to Being

Up-to-date ascension instruction as the new light of Earth anchors. Cosmic Law is further explained, as is the new world of light that is opening for all humanity. "Today we as human beings are at the precipice of a new life and a new humanity. With rushing waters of the Spirit emerging as the radiation of the Supreme, no one will be left behind. I will enter them all the same. These GodSelf lessons are dedicated to this new humanity: the emergence of the Christ." Upon completion of this course, the student is asked to submit a summary report of 250-500 words about his or her experiences and revelations from this study. A certificate of accomplishment, a recognition of completion of the course, will be emailed or mailed.

Enrollment and Course Fees: Living the GodSelf is available in spiral-bound book format only for $55 plus shipping. There is a $35 course administration fee. For more information about this course, visit

Enroll Now:
Online Form or Printable Form

Please note: Both courses are required to complete this degree.

Put Your Creativity into Motion

A balance needs to be maintained as your consciousness begins to rise and expand in the GodSelf. And as the spiritual fire (Kundalini) rises and flushes out negativity while opening your chakras or centers within your etheric body, it is very important to remain "grounded" and awakened to your creative potential. Choose an activity of artistic expression and beauty and make this activity a part of your spiritual studies and disciplines. Music, painting and drawing, writing (such as poetry), dance, sculpture are all creative components of the Divine Nature.
Also, if at all possible, take time to work in your garden. Letting your hands be a part of the soil, planting, weeding, nurturing, and watching the garden grow say to your subconscious mind (the garden within), I am prosperous, abundant, a part of the wonder of life! See how life continues to renew itself and express the beauty of the Divine!