COURSE 2: Anchoring the Priesthood

Living The GodSelf
By: Patricia Jepsen
13 Lessons
342 pages, 8 1/2" x 11"
Spiral bound, $55
plus $50 course administration fee
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A Preparation for the New World
Cosmic Law is further explained as is the new world of light that is opening for all humanity.
- Foreword
- Introduction
- An Introduction to the Course by Saint Germain
- Part One: The Eternal I AM
- Part Two: The Path That You Have Chosen
- Part Three: Initiation, The Darkness and the Light
- Part Four: The Creative Angel
- Part Five: Living in Alignment
- Part Six: The Calling of Melchizedek
- Part Seven: Bear Witness to Yourself
- Part Eight: The Life I AM
- Part Nine: You Are Free in Me
- Part Ten: Order of Melchizedek
- Part Eleven: The Land of Light
- Part Twelve: Immortal Life Circuit
- Part Thirteen: Eternal Supply
"Having subscribed to the Living the GodSelf course for the last couple of months I would really like to endorse all you have said about the lessons. They really are Truth at its highest level and after reading the lessons (and during the reading) I feel transported to a higher dimension in close contact with the GodSelf not just within me but also within others. In fact this feeling wells up within even as I am just printing out the course."
A powerful new life awaits you. It is the creative circuit of the I AM Presence, your own GodSelf. Read and recall the message of your Christ identity, a blueprint for your Solar Self.
Human beings are at the precipice of new life and new humanity. Even as I write this, a whole new world is emerging. You, who have stood your ground in anticipation of this transformation, can see the brightness of the incoming World of Light. Perhaps you can even feel it.
God Consciousness waits to supply you with your every need. All your requirements are met in the GodSelf. You may have to remind yourself for a time that you have the right to claim what you need -- you are not caught in the old patterns. You have been "lifted up" into the Son of God Consciousness -- a new realm of thinking and feeling. In this consciousness of Oneness, you are able to claim the necessities of life and create them for your pleasure and for the service to others.
One of the biggest leaps in conscious awareness and one most difficult for human beings to accept -- as conditioned as they are to short-term living -- is the overcoming of the last enemy or death. The rejection of the death program is the next step for humanity. Jesus set the example; now we must follow it and join with him in the creative circuit of the order of Melchizedek. Take up the rhythm of Melchizedek. You are of that lineage: subject to life without death as masters of all you survey.
The Great Initiation, which previously has been reserved for the very few strong souls who were prepared, will temper all earth beings. In this Initiation, one thing is asked of you: a deep and sincere surrender of your life into your true life, the GodSelf.
You created who you appear to be. Did you know that? You have created your past, present, future. Much like a computer program. And you can change or alter that creation to vibrate in harmony with the emerging Bright New World. It is time.
You are embarking into a wonderful life of many possibilities and many creative outlets. There is nothing to suppress you from your expression as you consciously step into the rushing waters of your own creative power.
For those of you who have read The GodSelf, Living the GodSelf takes the Millennium revelation a step further, as it guides you into the riches of your New World Consciousness, the glorious Kingdom within.
copyright 2006 by Patricia Jepsen Chuse
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