Books & Ebooks


by Patricia Jepsen

10 pages, 4 1/4" x 5 1/2"

Booklet $3

An Introduction to Higher Mind Consciousness


The Inner Voice is the alignment with higher mind and from that placement all questions can be answered, new ideas come. This voice within is the Master Key to realization; it is the shining light of your individual God Spark as the creative intelligence you are.

Table Of Contents
  • The Voice of Truth
  • An Introduction: Higher Mind Consciousness
  • Have My Voice In You As I AM, The Word Made Flesh
  • Have No Other Voice But Mine! And in My Voice Find Union
  • The Message Of The Voice
  • The Emerging New World


The Voice of Truth

Be conscious of your Inner Voice and know that I AM. The position then is in the High Self. You cannot be duped when you accept the responsibility for that positioning of mind in light

The Creative Force will always honor your deepest desire. Thus if you seek to be perfectly aligned in the Creative Process and bear the Voice of command, then you will be so aligned

There is only One and that One must come through you now as the Inner Voice, the sacred sound of your Creator and you in harmony of vibration.

I have much for you if you would but hear Me. I AM One in you and I AM always with you as I AM. Seek no further than your heart. The Lord (Word) is with you. And He Who is with you can never be apart.

In the nature of My Son live and have your being in Me.

copyright 1993 by Patricia Jepsen Chuse

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