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FROM MORTAL TO IMMORTALby Patricia Jepsen6 Lessons Spiral Bound $35 |
Awakening Into Immortal Consciousness
Claim your immortality now - your victory over death and disease. Here is a map formed of the Order of Melchizedek for those who are changing form and accepting the immortal life.
Table of Contents
- Preface
- Let
- Breaking the Codes
- Living Dangerously
- Taking Life Seriously
- I want to Be an Immortal
- Living the Life
ExcerptPrefaceWhat is an immortal? What functions does an immortal have in our present world -- a world deeply entrenched in the death program, a program that brings disease, decay and often suffering to humanity? Is there a way to bypass death entirely and for what reason would we want to do this? And then you must ask the question: Am I an immortal come to earth to assist in erasing the death program and to raise the consciousness of human beings to true life as it is meant to be lived in rapture and in glory? Let the mask fall away as you read and contemplate these lessons and grow from them to the realization that death cannot befall you because you are LIFE. The immortals are a band of angelic beings who are dedicated to lifting Earth and freeing her into the LIFE I AM. LIFE is the spiritual program of the Universe. Our own Universe Creator gave His LIFE as Jesus to dissolve the death program from Earth and to re-qualify humanity as the Christ LIFE. You are an immortal as you think as an immortal. If you do not fear death because you are one of the LIVING, you are an immortal. If you feel for all life as an expression of the Spiritual BEING and refuse to enter into any act of death and destruction, you are an immortal. If you cry for Earth's sorrow and suffering and the inhuman treatment of the animal LIFE, you are, indeed, an immortal. You have God's plan within you. And you cannot be quieted now, for it is time for you to rise into your new body and cancel out shame. In this day of My calling, so you must come as Christ intended. Shut the doors to death and the false teaching of the world. Identify yourself as one who is an angel of LIFE. This is your time upon this earth, your moment and your God-given mission. As an immortal, be. Think only LIFE. Be only LIFE. Walk as LIFE. Talk as LIFE. Breathe LIFE into your lungs. For LIFE is God and there is no other. Closer than breathing am I, nearer than hands and feet. I AM LIFE and there is no death in Me. Because you have begun to study immortality and know that the world is not your master -- you are tested on this -- you have opened to the path of your own belief circuit, who you are in truth. You are an immortal, born not of flesh but of spirit. Subject not to the world but to the Christ within, your own lighted Self, decreed from God as the solar ministry of LIFE. Read and meditate on the following significant passage from Hebrews: For as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also likewise partook of the same; and by his death he has destroyed him who had the power of death, that is, the devil. When you understand this passage, you know that you are free and can witness your own Inner Light as LIFE. Patricia Jepsen It is suggested that you read all four of the immortality books offered through the University for deeper understanding and enlightenment. The four books are Changing Form and Living in the Light, Living As an Immortal, Immortality and From Mortal to Immortal. copyright 2006 by Patricia Jepsen Chuse |
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From Mortal to Immortal
The Immortality Package (3 Volumes)